Thursday, June 9, 2011

When you wanna make lemonade but life gives you oranges.

For the record, I am not a fan of orange juice. I am not really sure why I don't like it, but it definitely falls in my top five things I would be fine if I never had to eat or drink again. My number one is syrup...even the word makes me cringe.

Now that I got off on a tangent(that has pretty much been my day), today I was at the eye doctor today for an hour and a half. Yes, that is a very long time to be at the eye doctor. It was slightly annoying but I really saw that doctor for all but twenty minutes of that. My annual eye exam was just very intense and invasive. I was starting to get anxious because of how long it was taking. I also had a friend in the waiting room because we were planning on hitting up the mall afterwards and getting some lunch together. I mean my appointment was at 10:45, I thought I for sure was going to be out of there by 11:45 at the latest. The plans that I had in my head were not matching up with how the day was going. I also forgot about the whole let's dilate and numb your pupils thing which also threw me for a loop.

We did finally get to the mall and filled our tummies and emptied our wallets. The eye doctor was also a success even though it took a million years. The plan of the day was just not what I expected because of the time. I had an idea in my head of when we would be leaving the doctor and that just didn't happen. It was out of my control and it was starting to drive me bonkers.

This also happened more recently but in a more dramatic(I tend to make situations really dramatic when I am stressed) fashion. I was driving home to Pennsylvania from my college in North Carolina(I'll give you more details on my life there lataa). I had class until 2:45 and was already stressing about having to leave so late, but being the goody-two shoes that I am, I could not bring myself to skip. (I also think it is extremely rude to skip a class right before a break.) I should of arrived in PA around made sense in my head. That time was exactly  7 hours after I hit the road and it always takes me 7 hours to get home. No if's, and's, or but's about it.

Two hour's into my drive, I came to a halting, pound your foot on the brake stop. I was in the far left lane on a three-lane highway(the right two lanes for tractor trailers) on the side of a mountain. At first, I was like okay, maybe there is construction, no big deal. Ten minutes later, people are turning off cars and getting out of them. I started to frantically search for the AM radio station that always tells you what is wrong. When I first called my parents, I was being my sarcastic self about it. Then, people started talking and making camp outside of their cars. It was like they knew something that I didn't know, AND my little social butterfly self was scared to get out and ask the five tractor-trailer drivers around me what was going on.

A few minutes later, two girls walk by. They tell me that they heard it is going to be about six hours. SIX HOURS. I was supposed to be home in 5 hours. I couldn't sit there for six hours. I had no food, and a car full of half the stuff I was moving home from my college dorm room. I of course thought of the worst, someone robbing me, me passing out from lack of fuel, running out of gas...yea, it was bad. I was going back and forth between my parents and my best friend Addie on the phone hysterically crying.(Also, the couple in front of me quickly got back into their car after realizing that I was crying...hah.)

And finally, about two hours after I had turned off my car, we started moving again. I started singing Hallelujah's and praising Jesus. I ended up getting home a little before midnight and pledged that I would never, ever leave that late in the afternoon again.

What I thought I knew: Things always go the way you plan it. Traffic like this never happened to me so I figured it never would-extremely shallow I know.

I learned a lot from this experience: 1. Life doesn't always go like the plan you have your head. Obviously my biggest issue here was that I had a set time to get home and when it didn't happen I freaked. All sorts of anxiety that I never knew I had started to come out. 2. This also happened at a time in the semester where I was super stressed out and running around like a crazy person. Being in a car for two hours by myself gave me a chance to unwind a little. Once I finally calmed down, I started breathing and realizing that I do need to slow my life down a tad or else I really cannot physically handle situations like this one where I am forced to stop.

What I am working on: HANDLING SITUATIONS LIKE THIS BETTER. But, there is no better way to live your life than to learn from situations like these ones.

Nighty-night bloggies!

psss-sorry there are no pictures in this post...i didn't take any with my friend today(we were toooo busy catching up) and i obviously was more focused on freaking out than taking pictures of three lanes of standstill traffic. 

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